Invest from 30 days to 548 days with the stack system. Earn gift coins up to 95% of your investment. You can use all or 25% or 50% of your investment to stack, and you can take your place among the permanent winners.
Investors can stack WeeCoins and WeeGold in adress.Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether staking will be included in the system soon.
Saving system has been used for the first time in Turkey WEEFNC portal. You can secure 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% of the amount of coins you invest in the Saving system.
A certain amount of USDT is paid to you for the percentage of the amount you invested. The coin that you invested in while withdrawing and spending USDT continues to gain value. When you want to get your coin back from the system, you must deposit the USDT paid to you into your account.